True leadership is being able to establish and communicate a clear vision for the organization. As a leader, by demonstrating ideal values in the workplace, leaders are able to influence honesty, ethics, tolerance, and respect on the subordinates. There’s a trait of world class leaders globally, they have a strong effect on the culture of their organization and the people they worth with. We should state that the ability of to influence others is a critical leadership skill. Leaders have an understanding of what is important to others both as a person and a professional. This would require the need to take into consideration the values, goals and beliefs of these people. There are different strategies good leaders employ in order to be able to exert influence in the workplace;
Be Advanced in Laying Foundation For Influence
Good leaders do not wait until they need to exert influence before building relationships. They are well aware that influence in not a one-time event, it’s a long cycle of interaction and communication. Right from the onset, world class leaders demonstrate their expertise, experience and set a track record. With this, they are able to establish communication which helps in building trust with others. An important part of influence as a leader is the relationship and interaction, which further leads to trust. This is not possible within a short time frame.
See Communication as a Two-Way Activity
Active listening is one of the tools employed by good leaders in influencing others inn the workplace. In order to exert influence, every interaction must be approached from the angle of creating a dialogue. Rather than force a proposal or recommendation on their subordinate, good leaders creates a conversation out of it. In the end, they are able to convince others on the best course of action. The best course of action will be arrived at with the opinion of others adequately considered.
Good Leaders Help Others Understand Their Roles
Often, there is a disconnect between the goals of the organization and the individual roles of the employees. Good leaders are able to exert their influence by helping these individuals to connect the dots. Being a leader with influence, they have a clear understanding of both the values of the company and that of the employees. With their influence, they are able to understand how to help every of the employee in achieving the organizational goals.
They Are Flexible in Influencing Others
Good leaders do no limit themselves to just a single influencing skills. What leaders do is to adapt their influencing skills to suit their audience and every situation. Being able to assess the situation and understand the best technique to apply.
Most leaders employ reasoning in influencing ther workplace. The ability to understand the most suitable technique to be applied is what makes a good leader. When reasoning fails to work, a good leader employs collaboration, consultation, or even inspiring others to influence them.