Machine Services – Rebuilding
Orbis Machinery has the in-house expertise and capabilities to rebuild machinery for the process industry. Over our 60 years of combined experience, we’ve brought plenty of old workhorses back to life regardless of their size or brand.
Our services include a complete teardown inspection followed up with an estimate and documentation so that you can make an informed decision prior to making a major investment.
Call Orbis Machinery, LLC today at 262-522-1939 for all your Machine Rebuilding needs.
Equipment types we have rebuilt include:
- Double Arm Mixers
- Mixer Extruders
- Blenders (tumble blenders or paddle & ribbon blender)
- Tumble Dryers
- Ball Mills
Brands we have rebuilt include:
- Baker Perkins
- JH Day / Littleford Day
- Linden
- Guttard
- Readco
- Cross Economy
- Patterson Industries
- Gemco
- Patterson Kelly
- and more…