Coping with the New Normal at Work

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The pandemic has left our world with new realities, we have to think out of the box to keep safe while working in the office, or embrace remote working. Coronavirus has made employers to rethink modus operandi of the current working environment and what the future will also offer. The challenging part of change is adjusting to it. Of course, changes brought upon us by the pandemic is sudden and unplanned. There has been an unprecedented shift in our way of lives and how we work.

Before the pandemic, no one would have thought toilet papers or nose masks will become a precious item. Neither would anyone prepare for the eventualities of Coronavirus on the working environment. In the workplace, employers have no choice than to take the safety of their employees more seriously than ever before. More importantly, there have been a change in communication as there was a need to keep social distance at work.

How the Pandemic Has Increased Employee Welfare?
Before now, not so much attention was paid to the welfare and wellbeing of employees. However, the pandemic has created a shift that requires employers to regularly check on their employees and ensure they are in the best of health. At the beginning of the pandemic, employees have experienced an heightened concern bout their jobs. So also, some were asked to work from home while another category of employees has to work on site despite the health risks.

In the midst of all this, there are brands that have go all out to ensure the safety of their employees. More importantly, they have provided additional support for their frontline employees. This is without neglecting employees who have to work from home during this period.

An example of such employer is PepsiCo that adopted a “People First” mantra in order to cater for the well being of their employees. In numerous ways, the soft drink brand was able to provide different forms of assistance for their employees.

Another incentive being thrown the way of employees is the provision of telemedicine and telehealth care to employees. According to a survey, there is an 86% increase in employee access to these healthcare services as encouraged by their employers.

Widespread Adopted of Remote Working Arrangement
Working from home, or remote working isn’t new, but the pandemic has shifted focus to it in recent times. In the bid to keep work going, and ensure the safety of employees, numerous employers have aligned with remote working arrangement than ever before. Today, employers across different industries are embracing remote working. To the point where brands are considering a permanent remote working arrangement even after the pandemic. As a brand, you should follow these tips in the management of your remote workforce in line with the new normal;

• Check in With Your Remote Teams on a Daily Basis
To succeed at remote working, you need to put in place a daily structured check-ins. This will replace the usual interaction you have with employees onsite. It can either be a one-on-one call, or a team call.

• Invest in The Right Technology Options
Depending on what your business is about, there are different communication and collaboration tools that are more suitable. You can go as far as investing into a video conferencing option in the bid to create a human feeling.

• Establish Rules of Engagements
To succeed at remote working, managers need to come up with guidelines on expectations on timing and frequency of communication. Not only that, ensure that there is free flow of information among teams to ensure they are working as a team.

• Create Avenue for Remote Social Interaction
In order to boost team spirit and boost team work, managers must encourage social interaction especially on off work topics. You can create a channel for social interaction on the collaboration tools of the company.

• Provide Emotional and Psychological Support
The shift to remote work is not as rosy as it appears. Even though employees are bound to return back to the office, while at home you need to be there for them. Create an environment where employees can voice out on their worries.

Truly, the pandemic has led to a global experiment on the possibilities regarding remote work. As an employer, you need to encourage the use of digital tools in order to ensure business continuity. Most importantly, learn to build trust and make it the Centrepoint of the new working arrangement. This is the only way to boost productivity and ensure everyone is involved.