News and Events

How Healthcare Is Hurting the Manufacturing Sector

How Healthcare Is Hurting the Manufacturing Sector

One of the rising challenges that are facing manufacturers in recent time is healthcare cost. Profitability and sustainability are being dragged to the floor because of rising healthcare costs. The most significant occurrences have seen a continuous rise in the price...

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Proper Valve Coatings For Production

Proper Valve Coatings For Production

Valves are basically devices that help to direct, control and regulate the flow of air or fluids such as liquids, gases, slurries, or fluidized solids by either closing, partially obstructing, or opening various passageways. Moreover, there are varieties of valves...

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US Manufacturing Sector Maintains Growth through August

US Manufacturing Sector Maintains Growth through August

According to the Institute for Supply Management reports, manufacturing growth has continued throughout the month of August. ISM’s production index rose to 63.3% in August, increasing 1.2 points from July. In addition, the purchasing manager’s index grew to 56%,...

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Digital Distortion in Manufacturing

Digital Distortion in Manufacturing

The digital economy is here and it’s the driver of numerous industries. The manufacturing environment is not left out, it is relying on the improved connectivity to provide data. It’s just similar to how some manufacturers are already reaping the benefits of digital...

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Health Risks Associated With Additive Manufacturing

Health Risks Associated With Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing which can also be referred to 3D printing is a simple process and a technological advancement which involves the use of computer-aided-design (CAD) software and/or 3D object scanners to pass a set of instructions to hardware equipment which...

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Cost-Based Pricing, Or Value-Based Pricing?

Cost-Based Pricing, Or Value-Based Pricing?

Businesses have their unique ways of giving prices to their product or services. The two most popular pricing methods are cost-based pricing and value-based pricing. If your company prefers to use cost-based pricing, it merely means your company has its prices set...

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Bringing Pharmaceutical Packing Back To America

Bringing Pharmaceutical Packing Back To America

Perhaps the Covid-19 pandemic has opened our eyes to the hidden truth. Perhaps we have discovered our biggest insecurity. Perhaps we have found some loopholes. Pharmaceutical companies in the United States have found moving offshore attractive. This is a tactic that...

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Achieving Safe Powder Drying

Achieving Safe Powder Drying

If safety is to be ensured, and fires or dust explosions averted in a plant during drying operations, it is crucial to be well aware of the components of the powder present in the plant. By noting the components of each powder you can determine its thermal...

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